Изучение низовых экологических движений за рубежом: история, теоретические подходы, методология
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Мищенко А. С. Изучение низовых экологических движений за рубежом: история, теоретические подходы, методология // Власть и элиты. 2024. Том 5. С. 526-561. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31119/pe.2018.5.20 EDN: VRGPDP
Анализируется история изучения низовых экологических движений за рубежом. Актуальность изучения опыта зарубежных исследований таких движений для российской науки заключается в том, что в настоящее время в России обострилась экологическая ситуация, вызванная тем, что в стране сформировалась группа интересов, готовая извлекать прибыль в ущерб сохранению окружающей среды. Страны Западной Европы, США и Япония в начале 1960-х годов также переживали острый экологический кризис. Выход из этого кризиса стал возможен благодаря широкому развитию экологического движения, прежде всего на низовом уровне. Делается попытка анализа истории изучения низовых экологических движений в развитых странах. Рассматриваются различные теоретические подходы к изучению таких движений. Описываются характеристики и особенности движений, выявленные различными зарубежными исследователями в процессе их изучения. Проводятся параллели между сформировавшимися за рубежом типами низовых экологических движений и движениями, возникающими в России.
Ключевые слова:
низовые общественные инициативы, общественные движения, экологическое движение, низовые экологические движения, экологические проблемы, экологические риски, экологическая политика, мобилизация ресурсов, политические возможности, репертуар коллективных действий, теории общественных движений, пространственно-фреймовый анализ, экологические права, экологический дискурс, социальная сеть экологических движений
1. Волков Д., Колесников А. Самоорганизация гражданского общества в Москве. Мотивы, возможности и пределы политизации / Московский центр Карнеги. URL: https://www.carnegie.ru/2016/12/14/ru-pub–66437 (дата обращения: 14.12.2016).
2. Давыдова А., Каминская М. От сложностей — к возможностям. Новые тенденции в российском и международном природоохранном движении. // Экология и право. 2017. №1. C. 8–9.
3. Дьяконов В. Государство с нуля. Делай Сам/a: практики низовых гражданских инициатив. М.: Перо, 2017.
4. Казенин К.И., Королева М.Н. Социология общественных движений — основные подходы. М.: РАНХиГС, 2018.
5. Краснова О.Н. Инициатива гражданская. // Новая философская энциклопедия: в 4 т.:М.: Мысль, 2010. Интернет-версия издания. URL: https://iphlib.ru/greenstone3/library/collection/newphilenc/document/HASH21229a534112eabfb76221 (дата обращения: 20.11.18).
6. Прокопенко Ю.И. Риски России: экология и здоровье. Екатеринбург: Издательские решения, 2015.
7. Тагаева Т.О., Гильмундинов В.М., Казанцева Л.К. Экологическая ситуация и природоохранная политика в регионах России // Экономика региона. 2016. Т. 12. Вып. 1. C.78–92.
8. Тулаева С., Тысячнюк М., Хенри Л.А. Стратегии экологических НПО в контексте принятия Закона об иностранных агентах: игры с формальностью // Laboratorium. 2017. № 9. С. 18–43.
9. Турен А. Возвращение человека действующего. М.: Научный мир, 1998.
10. Усов Е.И. Экоактивисты подвели неутешительные итоги Года экологии. URL: http://www.greenpeace.org/russia/ru/news/blogs/greenplanet/blog/60868/?utm_source=smm&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=other&utm_content=news_1212_badbadbad (дата обращения: 11.12.2017).
11. Халий И.А. Зеленое движение в России в конце XX века // Россия в окружающем мире: 2000: аналитический ежегодник / под ред. Н.Н. Моисеева, С.А. Степанова. М.: Изд-во МНЭПУ, 2000. URL: http://rus-stat.ru/index.php?vid=1&year=2000 (дата обращения 19.11.18).
12. Ягодка Н.Н. Гражданские инициативы как инструмент диалога между властью и гражданским обществом в России // Вестник РУДН. Серия «Политология». 2015. № 4. С. 128–140.
13. Aldon D. Morris A., McClurg C.M. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
14. Almeida P., Stearns L.B. Political opportunities and local grassroots environmental movements: The case of Minamata // Social Problems. 1988.Vol. 45, № 1. P. 37–60.
15. Andrews K., Edwards B. The Organizational Structure of Local Environmentalism // Mobilization. 2005. Vol. 10, № 2. P. 213–234.
16. Andrews K.T., Caren N. Making the news: Movement organizations, media attention, and the public agenda // Amеrican Sociological Review. 2010. Vol. 75, № 6. P. 841–866.
17. Benford R.D., Snow D.A. Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment // Annual Review of Sociology. 2000. Vol. 26. P. 611– 639.
18. Brenner N., Theodore N. Cities and the geographies of actually existing neoliberalism // Antipode. 2002. Vol. 34, № 3. P. 349–379.
19. Brulle R.J., Pellow D.N. Environmental Justice: Human Health and Environmental Inequalities // Annual Review of Public Health. 2006. Vol. 27. P. 103–124.
20. Buechler S.M. New social movement theories // Sociological Quarterly. 1995. Vol. 36, № 3. P. 441–464.
21. Čapek S.M. The “Environmental Justice” frame: A conceptual discussion and an application // Social Problems. 1993. Vol. 40, № 1. P. 5–24.
22. Cable S., Benson M. Acting locally: Environmental injustice and the emergence of grass-roots environmental organizations // Social Problems. 1993. Vol. 40, № 4. P. 464–477.
23. Castells M. City, Class and Power. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1978.
24. Castells M. The City and the Grassroots. London: Edward Arnold, 1983.
25. Castro P. Applying Social Psychology to the Study of Environmental Concern and Environmental Worldviews: Contributions from the Social Representations Approach // Journal of Community Applied Social Psychology. 2006. Vol. 16, № 4. P. 247–266.
26. Charmaz K. Loss of self: a fundamental form of suffering in the chronically ill // Sociology of Health and Illness. 1983. Vol. 5, № 2. P. 168–95.
27. Devine-Wright P. Rethinking NIMBYism // Journal of Community Applied Social Psychology. 2009. Vol. 19, № 6. P. 426–441.
28. Dunlap R.E., Mertig A.G. The Evolution of the U.S. Environmental Movement from 1970 to 1990: An Overview, American Environmentalism: The U.S. Environmental Movement, 1970–1990 / Ed. by R.E. Dunlap, A.G. Mertig. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1992. P. 209-217.
29. Dunlap, R. E., Gale R. P. Politics and ecology: A political profile of student eco-activists // Youth and Society. 1972. Vol. 3, № 4. P. 379–397.
30. Emerson R.M. Contemporary field research: a collection of readings. Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.
31. Ekins P. A new world order grassroots movements for global change. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1992.
32. Freudenberg N., Steinsapir C. Not in our backyards: The grassroots environmental movement // Society and Natural Resources. 1991. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 235–245.
33. Gale R. P. Social movements and the state: The environmental movement, countermovement, and government agencies // Sociological Perspectives. 1986. Vol. 29, № 2. P. 202–240.
34. Gamson W.A. Talking Politics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
35. Gibbs L. Citizen activism for environmental health: The growth of a powerful new grassroots health movement // Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2002. Vol. 584, № 1. P. 97–109.
36. Glaser B.G., Strauss A.L. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1967.
37. Gove P.B. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press, 1961.
38. Hays, S. P. Beauty, health, and permanence: Environmental politics in the United States, 1955–1985. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
39. Homer-Dixon T.F, Boutwell J.H, Rathjens G.W. Environmental Change and Violent Conflict // Scientific American. 1993. № 2. P. 38–45.
40. Johnson E.W., Frickel S. Ecological Threat and the Founding of U.S. National Environmental Movement Organizations, 1962–1998 // Social Problems, 2011. Vol. 58, № 3. P. 305–329.
41. Kitts J.A. Not in our backyard: Solidarity, social networks, and the ecology of environmental mobilization // Sociological Inquiry. 1999. Vol. 69, № 4. 551– 574.
42. Larsen S.C. Place making, grassroots organizing, and rural protest: A case study of Anaheim Lake, British Columbia // Journal of Rural Studies. 2008. Vol. 24, № 2. P. 172–181.
43. Lipschutz R.D., Conca K. The State and Social Power in Global Environmental Politics. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1993.
44. Manes, C. Green rage: Radical environmentalism and the unmaking of civilization. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
45. McAdam D., McCarthy J., Zald M. Social Movements / ed. by in Neil Smelser. Handbook of Sociology, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1988.
46. Martin D. ‘Place-framing’ as place-making: Constituting a neighborhood for organizing and activism // Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2003. Vol. 93, № 3. P. 730–750.
47. Mauss A.L. Social problems as social movements. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1975.
48. Mauss A. L. Beyond the illusion of social problems theory // Perspectives on Social Problems, 1989. Vol. 1. P. 19–39.
49. Melucci A. The new social movements: a theoretical approach // Social Science Information. 1980. Vol. 19, № 2. P. 199–226.
50. Melucci A. An end to social movements? Introductory paper to the sessions on “new movements and change in organizational forms” // Social Science Information. 1984. Vol. 23, № 4–5. P. 819–835.
51. Melucci A. The symbolic Challenge of Contemporary Movements // Social Research. 1985. Vol. 52, № 4. P. 789–816.
52. Melucci A. Nomad of the Present. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.
53. Melucci A. Paradoxes of Post-Industrial Democracy: Everyday Life and Social Movements // Berkley Journal of Sociology. 1993–1994. Vol. 38. P. 185– 192.
54. Mitchell R. C. From conservation to environment movement: The development of the modern environmental lobbies. In Government and Environment Politics / ed. M. J. Lacey. Washington, DC: Wilson Center Press, 1989. P. 81–113.
55. Mitchell R. C., Mertig A.G., Dunlap R. E. Twenty Years of Environmental Mobilization: Trends among National Environmental Organizations // Society and Natural Resources. 1991. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 219–234.
56. Mix T.L. Rally the people: Building local-environmental justice grassroots coalitions and enhancing social capital // Sociological Inquiry. 2011. Vol. 81, № 2. P. 174–194.
57. Morris A.D, McClurg Mueller C. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
58. Nicholls W. Place, networks, space: Theorizing the geographies of social movements // Transaction Institute British Geography. 2009. Vol. 34, № 1. P. 78–93.
59. Oates D. Earth rising: Ecological belief in an age of science. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press. 1989.
60. Offe C. New Social Movements: Challenging the Boundaries of Institutional Politics // Social Research: An International Quarterly. 1985. Vol. 52, № 4. P. 817–868.
61. Perkins D.D., Hughey J., Speer P.W. Community psychology perspectives on social capital theory and community development practice // Journal of the Community Development Society. 2002. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 35–52.
62. Rootes C. Acting locally: The character, contexts and significance of local environmental mobilizations // Environmental Politics. 2007. Vol. 16, № 5. P. 722–741.
63. Rootes C. From local conflict to national issue: When and how environmental campaigns succeed in transcending the local // Environmental Politics. 2013. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 95–114.
64. Saitta P. History, space, and power: Theoretical and methodological problems in the research on areas at (industrial) risk // Journal of Risk Research. 2012. Vol. 15, № 1. P. 1299–1317.
65. Saunders C. The local and the national: relationships between national and local environmental movement organisations in London // Environmental Politics. 2007. Vol. 16, № 5. P. 742–764.
66. Schlosberg D. Networks and Mobile Arrangements: Organizational Innovation in the US Environmental Justice Movement // Environmental Politics. 1999. Vol. 8, № 1. P. 122–148.
67. Schlosberg D. Preconceiving Environmental Justice: Global Movements and Political Theories // Environmental Politics. 2004. Vol. 13, № 3. P. 517–540.
68. Schively C. Understanding the NIMBY and LULU Phenomena: Reassessing Our Knowledge Base and Informing Future Research // Journal of Planning Literature. 2007. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 255–266.
69. Sherman D.J. Disruption or convention? A process-based explanation of divergent repertoires of contention among opponents to low-level radioactive waste disposal sites // Social Movment Studies. 2008. Vol. 7, № 3. P. 265–280.
70. Stretesky P.B., Huss S., Lynch M.J., Zahran S., Childs B. The Founding of Environmental Justice Organizations across U.S. Counties during the 1990s and 2000s: Civil Rights and Environmental Cross-Movement Effects // Social Problems. 2011. Vol. 58, № 3. P. 330–360.
71. Taylor B. The global emergence of popular ecological resistance, Ecological Resistance Movement. The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular Environmentalism. Albany: State University of N.Y. Press, 1995.
72. Taylor D.E. The rise of the Environmental Justice paradigm: Injustice framing and the social construction of environmental discourses // American Behavior Science. 2000. Vol. 43, № 4. P. 508–580.
73. Woods M. Deconstructing rural protest: The emergence of a new social movement // Journal of Rural Studies. 2003. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 309–325.
2. Давыдова А., Каминская М. От сложностей — к возможностям. Новые тенденции в российском и международном природоохранном движении. // Экология и право. 2017. №1. C. 8–9.
3. Дьяконов В. Государство с нуля. Делай Сам/a: практики низовых гражданских инициатив. М.: Перо, 2017.
4. Казенин К.И., Королева М.Н. Социология общественных движений — основные подходы. М.: РАНХиГС, 2018.
5. Краснова О.Н. Инициатива гражданская. // Новая философская энциклопедия: в 4 т.:М.: Мысль, 2010. Интернет-версия издания. URL: https://iphlib.ru/greenstone3/library/collection/newphilenc/document/HASH21229a534112eabfb76221 (дата обращения: 20.11.18).
6. Прокопенко Ю.И. Риски России: экология и здоровье. Екатеринбург: Издательские решения, 2015.
7. Тагаева Т.О., Гильмундинов В.М., Казанцева Л.К. Экологическая ситуация и природоохранная политика в регионах России // Экономика региона. 2016. Т. 12. Вып. 1. C.78–92.
8. Тулаева С., Тысячнюк М., Хенри Л.А. Стратегии экологических НПО в контексте принятия Закона об иностранных агентах: игры с формальностью // Laboratorium. 2017. № 9. С. 18–43.
9. Турен А. Возвращение человека действующего. М.: Научный мир, 1998.
10. Усов Е.И. Экоактивисты подвели неутешительные итоги Года экологии. URL: http://www.greenpeace.org/russia/ru/news/blogs/greenplanet/blog/60868/?utm_source=smm&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=other&utm_content=news_1212_badbadbad (дата обращения: 11.12.2017).
11. Халий И.А. Зеленое движение в России в конце XX века // Россия в окружающем мире: 2000: аналитический ежегодник / под ред. Н.Н. Моисеева, С.А. Степанова. М.: Изд-во МНЭПУ, 2000. URL: http://rus-stat.ru/index.php?vid=1&year=2000 (дата обращения 19.11.18).
12. Ягодка Н.Н. Гражданские инициативы как инструмент диалога между властью и гражданским обществом в России // Вестник РУДН. Серия «Политология». 2015. № 4. С. 128–140.
13. Aldon D. Morris A., McClurg C.M. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
14. Almeida P., Stearns L.B. Political opportunities and local grassroots environmental movements: The case of Minamata // Social Problems. 1988.Vol. 45, № 1. P. 37–60.
15. Andrews K., Edwards B. The Organizational Structure of Local Environmentalism // Mobilization. 2005. Vol. 10, № 2. P. 213–234.
16. Andrews K.T., Caren N. Making the news: Movement organizations, media attention, and the public agenda // Amеrican Sociological Review. 2010. Vol. 75, № 6. P. 841–866.
17. Benford R.D., Snow D.A. Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment // Annual Review of Sociology. 2000. Vol. 26. P. 611– 639.
18. Brenner N., Theodore N. Cities and the geographies of actually existing neoliberalism // Antipode. 2002. Vol. 34, № 3. P. 349–379.
19. Brulle R.J., Pellow D.N. Environmental Justice: Human Health and Environmental Inequalities // Annual Review of Public Health. 2006. Vol. 27. P. 103–124.
20. Buechler S.M. New social movement theories // Sociological Quarterly. 1995. Vol. 36, № 3. P. 441–464.
21. Čapek S.M. The “Environmental Justice” frame: A conceptual discussion and an application // Social Problems. 1993. Vol. 40, № 1. P. 5–24.
22. Cable S., Benson M. Acting locally: Environmental injustice and the emergence of grass-roots environmental organizations // Social Problems. 1993. Vol. 40, № 4. P. 464–477.
23. Castells M. City, Class and Power. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1978.
24. Castells M. The City and the Grassroots. London: Edward Arnold, 1983.
25. Castro P. Applying Social Psychology to the Study of Environmental Concern and Environmental Worldviews: Contributions from the Social Representations Approach // Journal of Community Applied Social Psychology. 2006. Vol. 16, № 4. P. 247–266.
26. Charmaz K. Loss of self: a fundamental form of suffering in the chronically ill // Sociology of Health and Illness. 1983. Vol. 5, № 2. P. 168–95.
27. Devine-Wright P. Rethinking NIMBYism // Journal of Community Applied Social Psychology. 2009. Vol. 19, № 6. P. 426–441.
28. Dunlap R.E., Mertig A.G. The Evolution of the U.S. Environmental Movement from 1970 to 1990: An Overview, American Environmentalism: The U.S. Environmental Movement, 1970–1990 / Ed. by R.E. Dunlap, A.G. Mertig. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1992. P. 209-217.
29. Dunlap, R. E., Gale R. P. Politics and ecology: A political profile of student eco-activists // Youth and Society. 1972. Vol. 3, № 4. P. 379–397.
30. Emerson R.M. Contemporary field research: a collection of readings. Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.
31. Ekins P. A new world order grassroots movements for global change. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1992.
32. Freudenberg N., Steinsapir C. Not in our backyards: The grassroots environmental movement // Society and Natural Resources. 1991. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 235–245.
33. Gale R. P. Social movements and the state: The environmental movement, countermovement, and government agencies // Sociological Perspectives. 1986. Vol. 29, № 2. P. 202–240.
34. Gamson W.A. Talking Politics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
35. Gibbs L. Citizen activism for environmental health: The growth of a powerful new grassroots health movement // Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2002. Vol. 584, № 1. P. 97–109.
36. Glaser B.G., Strauss A.L. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1967.
37. Gove P.B. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press, 1961.
38. Hays, S. P. Beauty, health, and permanence: Environmental politics in the United States, 1955–1985. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
39. Homer-Dixon T.F, Boutwell J.H, Rathjens G.W. Environmental Change and Violent Conflict // Scientific American. 1993. № 2. P. 38–45.
40. Johnson E.W., Frickel S. Ecological Threat and the Founding of U.S. National Environmental Movement Organizations, 1962–1998 // Social Problems, 2011. Vol. 58, № 3. P. 305–329.
41. Kitts J.A. Not in our backyard: Solidarity, social networks, and the ecology of environmental mobilization // Sociological Inquiry. 1999. Vol. 69, № 4. 551– 574.
42. Larsen S.C. Place making, grassroots organizing, and rural protest: A case study of Anaheim Lake, British Columbia // Journal of Rural Studies. 2008. Vol. 24, № 2. P. 172–181.
43. Lipschutz R.D., Conca K. The State and Social Power in Global Environmental Politics. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1993.
44. Manes, C. Green rage: Radical environmentalism and the unmaking of civilization. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
45. McAdam D., McCarthy J., Zald M. Social Movements / ed. by in Neil Smelser. Handbook of Sociology, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1988.
46. Martin D. ‘Place-framing’ as place-making: Constituting a neighborhood for organizing and activism // Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2003. Vol. 93, № 3. P. 730–750.
47. Mauss A.L. Social problems as social movements. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1975.
48. Mauss A. L. Beyond the illusion of social problems theory // Perspectives on Social Problems, 1989. Vol. 1. P. 19–39.
49. Melucci A. The new social movements: a theoretical approach // Social Science Information. 1980. Vol. 19, № 2. P. 199–226.
50. Melucci A. An end to social movements? Introductory paper to the sessions on “new movements and change in organizational forms” // Social Science Information. 1984. Vol. 23, № 4–5. P. 819–835.
51. Melucci A. The symbolic Challenge of Contemporary Movements // Social Research. 1985. Vol. 52, № 4. P. 789–816.
52. Melucci A. Nomad of the Present. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.
53. Melucci A. Paradoxes of Post-Industrial Democracy: Everyday Life and Social Movements // Berkley Journal of Sociology. 1993–1994. Vol. 38. P. 185– 192.
54. Mitchell R. C. From conservation to environment movement: The development of the modern environmental lobbies. In Government and Environment Politics / ed. M. J. Lacey. Washington, DC: Wilson Center Press, 1989. P. 81–113.
55. Mitchell R. C., Mertig A.G., Dunlap R. E. Twenty Years of Environmental Mobilization: Trends among National Environmental Organizations // Society and Natural Resources. 1991. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 219–234.
56. Mix T.L. Rally the people: Building local-environmental justice grassroots coalitions and enhancing social capital // Sociological Inquiry. 2011. Vol. 81, № 2. P. 174–194.
57. Morris A.D, McClurg Mueller C. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
58. Nicholls W. Place, networks, space: Theorizing the geographies of social movements // Transaction Institute British Geography. 2009. Vol. 34, № 1. P. 78–93.
59. Oates D. Earth rising: Ecological belief in an age of science. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press. 1989.
60. Offe C. New Social Movements: Challenging the Boundaries of Institutional Politics // Social Research: An International Quarterly. 1985. Vol. 52, № 4. P. 817–868.
61. Perkins D.D., Hughey J., Speer P.W. Community psychology perspectives on social capital theory and community development practice // Journal of the Community Development Society. 2002. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 35–52.
62. Rootes C. Acting locally: The character, contexts and significance of local environmental mobilizations // Environmental Politics. 2007. Vol. 16, № 5. P. 722–741.
63. Rootes C. From local conflict to national issue: When and how environmental campaigns succeed in transcending the local // Environmental Politics. 2013. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 95–114.
64. Saitta P. History, space, and power: Theoretical and methodological problems in the research on areas at (industrial) risk // Journal of Risk Research. 2012. Vol. 15, № 1. P. 1299–1317.
65. Saunders C. The local and the national: relationships between national and local environmental movement organisations in London // Environmental Politics. 2007. Vol. 16, № 5. P. 742–764.
66. Schlosberg D. Networks and Mobile Arrangements: Organizational Innovation in the US Environmental Justice Movement // Environmental Politics. 1999. Vol. 8, № 1. P. 122–148.
67. Schlosberg D. Preconceiving Environmental Justice: Global Movements and Political Theories // Environmental Politics. 2004. Vol. 13, № 3. P. 517–540.
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Поступила: 13.06.2018
Опубликована: 18.09.2018
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Мищенко, А.С. 2024. Изучение низовых экологических движений за рубежом: история, теоретические подходы, методология. Власть и элиты. 5, (дек. 2024), 526-561. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31119/pe.2018.5.20.
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